Sunday, May 24, 2015

WB mare pic's part 2

There are a few in this batch that are a tad blurry on the phone. It's not you, not your computer, it's the phone and the person taking the pic's... Happy Memorial Day tomorow and keep it safe.


Trot on-

Thursday, May 21, 2015

WB mare pic's

I was able to get a few decent pic's of the WB mare last night beore riding her. She is modeling one of the new upgrades I have made for the girls as was the TB in the pic's in the last post. More on that later... For now enjoy the pic's. Again they are pic's of the cell phone pic. Real technical, I know, but at least I am able to post them.

Her very forward walk

Trot on...

More to come in the next post....

Sunday, May 17, 2015


I figured out a temporary fix for the problem I was having posting pic's. These aren't the best, but pic's of pic's on the cell phone will have to do for now...

This is my TB mare. She is so much fun to ride.