If you've been reading my blog for any real length of time, you'll know that I have an OTTB mare. I know I've mentioned her before, and lately only now and then. I posted some pics of her here on the blog, waaaaayyyyy back when.... but mostly the pics are of my little man Kat and he has his own blog focused on driving, while she just hangs out in the background and flies under the radar.
Now that I've realized this, I have been tying to get some pic's to post.... She's a nice mare and deserves not only the attention but the recognition.
Lunging the other night. Of course she's licking and chewing and I caught her mid-lick... It seems I have a gift for getting pic's of horses with their tongue sticking out.
Everything starts and ends with the walk. Cowboys walked the first mile out and last mile back to warm them up and cool them out. I start my horses out at a walk on the lunge line and also when I get on them.
This is so much nicer than having them bolt to the end of the line and damn near rip your arms out of their sockets like a lot of people let them do.
Obviously pic's from two different days if you look at her wraps and boots
Still walking....
I swear nobody was holding her tail lol, it's mid swing.
I love her plain TB head and she has one of the softest, kindest eyes I've ever seen on a horse.