Tuesday, January 21, 2020


If you've been reading here for a while, you know I'm not all that great at setting goals. At least not as far as typing or writing them out- short or long term. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants and go with the flow.

I have ideas of what I would like to do, things I would like to accomplish, places I would like to go and so on. I guess if I never say them out loud or put them in writing, it's easier to let go of things when life doesn't go as planned. Nobody knew so if it didn't happen- no accountability, just missed opportunity.

This year I set out with some pretty hefty personal goals in mind. One of them being a No Buy Year. I had no idea this was even a thing. Seriously. I had decided towards the end of last year that I had gotten a little spendy and buying all the things, so I was going to cut back and rein it in.

I had bought a few things at the end of the year so they don't count. As they come in I check them off and move on. There was one purchase I made after the year had started, but it was totally worth it. I think it happened on a Treat Yo' Self Tuesday-

The price was right

I will still buy feed for the ponies, pay the farrier and vet as needed, wormers, etc. but no more tack. Period. Not even consignment, not even a 'great deal', nope. Not gonna happen. I've got everything I need already. The only exception will be if I need to replace my helmet or if a turnout blanket gets torn beyond repair....

Another thing I am trying to work on is Me. One of the main things being posture. When I ride I have learned to sit up straight. Sitting at my desk at work- not so much. I have made a conscious effort to correct that. When I sit up straight my back hurts less. Win-Win right? Another part of this is exercising more. Core work helps posture so I need to do more of that. Dropping a few pounds will also help and they won't be missed at all.

There are a few other things I'm working on and I will let everyone in on them when I'm ready to put it out in the open. For now I'm working thru things and I will also be selling off some stuff I don't need anymore or use. When I get pics of all of it, I will gladly post them with a price and description. Bloggers here will get first crack at it all.