The new "trainer" at the barn has been causing a lot of problems, stirring a lot of shit and basically letting her mouth write a ton of checks her ass can't cash. Obviously this comes as no surprise. Lol I get it. She's young (21) and thinks she knows it all. Smh. She has so much to learn in life....
In an effort to gain sympathy she goes online and throws herself a pity party, just like we all knew she would. Only she leaves out one aspect of it all. That thing called the truth... You know, the one that hurts like hell when mixed with a healthy dose of reality and it bitch slaps us.
Shall we start with her barn etiquette? Here's a hint- she has none.
Wherever her horses crap- barn aisle, wash rack, cross ties- that's where it stays. There were at least 2 piles by the wash rack for over a week until the sun and water eventually broke it all down. Since she doesn't clean up their crap, why would she clean up anything else? Oh right. She doesn't. She clipped a horse and 4 days later... the hair is still on the ground in the cross ties.

Nobody else in the barn has this kind of mess in the aisle by their stalls. Considering she has her own feed and tack area- there's no reason she should be leaving anything out other than pure laziness. She has left her saddles out a couple of times- "to see if anyone steals them". News flash honey, obviously nobody wants your cheap ass crap including you. Supposedly she had all of her tack stolen once before. SuuUUuure. If she had- she would be a lot more careful with her stuff now.Her messes in the barn are one thing. They don't exactly directly affect her horses. But theyre a good indication of other things she does or doesn't do that Does directly affect the horses. Like cleaning her water tank in the pasture- that she took over of her own accord... This tank looked like this for the next two weeks before she finally cleaned and moved it- where now it overflowed creating a big mud puddle under the gate. Then she claimed her mares all have mud fever and need to stay in the pasture- rather than be in their dry stalls and treated for it? No mud fever folks- she will say anything. A month later she finally bought a bigger tank and new float- miraculously the mud dries up. Shocker. Now, shall we talk about her horses??? This is what I meant by my last post of the horses telling it all. In her words- "They looked better before but we've moved barns a few times..." They've been at our barn 3 months now and still look like this, so no, 'trainer k' honey, you need to come up with another one if your lame ass excuses. Excuses are what you come up with when you don't have a legitimate reason.
One of her lesson horse mares.... Clearly she lacks weight and muscle development.
Another of her mares. Doesn't she look thrilled to be alive? Again lack of muscling on this horse- nice dip in front of the withers. This can easily be remedied with proper work and I know this because I have fixed this same issue on another horse in as little as a month.
Same 'thrilled mare' from another angle. Again the lack of development in the shoulder/ wither area shows this mare has not been taught to move properly which all goes back to her owners lack of training skills. Yes those are ribs showing thru too.
This mare was a hot mess. She ditched her for $200, -make that $700 as she raised the price last minute in a shady deal, claiming she had another buyer at $200 so she jacked the price - dumping her on another boarder who only bought her out of pity. This mare had a stomach and chest covered in welts, hives, bug bites or a combination of the three and'trainer k' couldn't be bothered to treat her for whatever it was... yet she's online looking at more horses.
When the new owner went to the local vet for the copy of the coggins and vaccinations for the new barn as she moved out- yep you guessed it folks. "They don't have it because the vets office mailed the vaccination record to me." Really? Because If the vets office had one, they would be able to print out another copy for the new owner. In fact I got a text And an email from the same vet office just the other day that my pony is due for his shots, because they're on top of things like that. Unlike her, who claims to be a vet tech and/or a licensed vet- depending on the day of the week and who she speaks to at what time...

Yes you can see her spine and hip bones. Does anyone else see a trend here? Yes animal control was called on her within the first month of the horses being at the barn. AC showed up and because the horses have feed... Nothing was done.
The mare gets fed all right. This girl literally fills her bucket with some kind of feed that honestly looks like dog kibble, soaks it down and that's what the mare gets to eat until she finishes it- no matter how many days it takes. When I took the next picture on a Friday evening, this was what was left from her almost full bucket from Wednesday evening. I have no problem with people feeding mush to horses that are older and have dental issues, but mix up what they need for one meal, let them eat it and the next meal- make it fresh for them. It's not that difficult. But again- lack of knowledge, concern and responsibility mixed with pure laziness = mix up 1 bucket to feed to use for 2-3 days and be done....
She lets this mare eat until the others are finished, whether she is done or not and then kicks them all back outside again. Whatever is left- sits in the stall until the next feeding, morning, the next evening, morning, evening, etc. until it's gone and time to refill it again. And the next mealtime isn't even that consistent. She doesn't drive "by personal choice" (or more like laziness and irresponsibility) so she's always calling, texting or messaging someone else to feed for her. Then she told one of the other ladies at the barn- "It's ok not to be consistent as then they won't rely on things or be impatient at a certain time. It's even good for them to skip a meal now and then too. It doesn't hurt them." I guess it wouldn't hurt her to miss a meal now and then either just to be fair? Because most horse owners I know, feed their animals before they feed themselves. Her boyfriend showed up at the barn a few nights ago to feed or that's my guess. He was in her feed room banging buckets around anyways, but he did not feed any of her horses before he left. Not sure what the point was of him even driving over there if he wasn't going to feed any of the horses.
For the record- she's been kicked out of the last 3 barns for different reasons- one of them being a midnight move-out and another because after she kicked her dog, one of her former clients started to video as she proceeded to beat up on one of her horses. The video was posted to her FB training page in the comments and then later she took her training page down.
I have seen the video and read the text and/or PM exchange where the barn owner said "That horse had no problems while he was here other than being lazy." Another person states "What isn't heard on the video was her asking the horse- 'Do you want another one to the face?'." This person also asked her Why she throws water bottles at her dog all the time? "That's just how she's treated and she's turned out fine." I know the mentioned barn owner and have spoken to her in the past. She's well respected in the horse community- yet this girl has stated in text messages to another friend of mine "That B/O is nuts and was slandering me all over the internet..." which is exactly what she was doing at the moment. Ironic? Somebody please call the whaaaaa-mbulance! Lmao
So where are the Cred's I mentioned? That comes in Part 2. You know there's a whole lot more to this... there's always more. *eyeroll*