Long ago and far away when I was at a cutting horse show.... There was a guy there who had these same clips, except his were pretty big and easily fit over the pipe panel fence.
My much smaller version...
This made them incredibly portable, but what was even more interesting was what was on the other end of them. Tack of all kinds. He had a few bridles, halters & leads, a lunge line or two, all neatly hung on this clip. And when he needed something it was easy to grab and go. Just as easy to clip something on it and done. They were relatively cheap and easily found at the local outdoors sporting good store (R.E.I.).
Imagine the wheels in my head spinning when I seen these same clips in a variety of sizes at the local Lowe's. This size were $4 and two of them work great for hanging the manure fork up and keeping it handy while out of the wayway. The pony also can't knock it off the clips like he could the hooks. Bummer for him. They had larger clips, probably almost the size of the one the guy was using and they were $10 so pretty reasonably priced.I'm kinda bummed that this is a No Buy Year for me and I'm finding some really cool things or great deals and have to pass, but when I keep in mind the bigger picture and the rewards at the end- it makes it all worth it.
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