Driving can be a lot of fun and something else to do with your horse. There are a number of events hosted by driving clubs across the country (and world) as well as chuck wagon races (fun to watch, but some level of insanity required to compete), chariot racing and there is even a club for endurance driving...
One of the clubs in the pacific northwest has plowing competitions, pulling competitions can be seen at state and county fairs and then there is also the Combined Driving Events. I highly recommend attending any of these as they are educational as well as incredibly fun. The American Driving Society is a great place to start, and their calendar has events and shows in many areas. Carriage Driving. Net has a host of information, events, articles and resources for those wishing to learn more about this sport.
And now for the carts and harnesses I am offering up for sale.
Nylon harness-
I have a nylon pony harness, black with white felt padding. It has been used but always kept clean and stored inside. This harness is missing the breastcollar and traces, but replacements can be acquired. It fits my Welsh cross pony stallion, but would fit a larger pony a bit better. I am open to offers as is, or with the replacements. Great starter harness as it retains it's softness and requires little care.
Leather harness-
Leather pony harness. Fits a smaller pony- shetland, hackney, Welsh section A or B, etc. Harness comes complete and is undergoing cleaning and oiling this weekend. It may soon be seen with the one cart below if it doesn't find a new home soon. Asking $100
Metal training cart-
Needs cosmetic work- paint, padding and vinyl on the seat and undercarriage, but is otherwise strong, sturdy and ready to go to work.
There are three adjustment positions for the seat to balance the cart for your pony's comfort and a number of springs underneath the seat for yours.
The basket underneath for your feet is diamond mesh steel covered with vinyl to keep the road dust from coming through on the driver. This cart would likely fit a loarger pony- POA, Haflinger, Welsh section C, Quarter Pony- etc. Asking $400 as is, price is negotiable.
Meadowbrook cart-
Then there is my beautiful Meadowbrook cart. Made by the Eden Mill and Carriage Shop in Eden New York, Craig A. Vogel, as listed on the brass plate on the spares box under the seat.
This is a beautiful cart that is made to fit smaller ponies, Shetland, Hackney, Welsh Section A or B, etc. Black vinyl seats and vinyl under the basket to keep out any dust from the road.
Here you can see the left side seat flips up for easy driver entry. The spares box is under the drivers seat...
and the backrests fold forward for shipping and storage. This cart has been well cared for and maintained, kept under cover, up on jacks to prevent the rubber on the tires from developing flat spots and oiled to prevent the wood from drying out. Asking $1000.00
As always, contact me for more information and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. The Trading Post is always open and Fern Valley Appaloosas is as usual posting her For Sale Fridays too.
Enjoy your horses and your weekend. The weather has finally turned nice around here. Time to go out and get to work...
Beautiful cart CNJ.
ReplyDeleteHow come you are selling it?
I have nver driven before but it looks fun.
tht cart is stunning .I had one similar to the metal one you have and had great fun with it for years. I haven't driven in a few years ,but I have to admit it was fun and something I would do again
ReplyDeleteI was so excited when i seent he meadowbrook cart, I have wanted one of those for a long time...then I read pony. I want a draft size one. They are excellent carts.
ReplyDeleteCCC- It is a beautiful cart, but since I have 3 carts and we are now down to only one pony... Plus I am hoping to get into the CDE's rather than the pleasure driving. I would rather opt for one cart that will be presentable in the dressage and cones phases, yet hold up to the rigors of the marathon course. I wouldn't dare to put a cart like this through something like that.
ReplyDeleteFern- the metal cart I had actually traded our mini cart to a woman for. She had a mini and a bigger cart, I have a pony and had a 'mini' cart... The trade worked out for her, she drives her little guy all over the place, but the cart is just a bit too big for my little guy. Ah, well.
Driving is a lot of fun. I remember driving our pony Pi and how every time we went out in the cart, it was like being in a parade. People waved at us everywhere we went. I stuck to the backroads and side streets to minimize our 'exposure'. My arm got tired after a while and I sorta wished they would all stop, but it was fun and not something to be seen much in some areas.
Driving can also be a lot more dangerous than being on their backs. When it all goes south with a cart, you now have to figure in the cart.
And Congratulations to poster Liri on the purchase of our horse sized harness. I hope you enjoy it and get plenty of use out of it!
Crystal- They are beautiful beyond words. I love mine, but in streamlining and spring cleaning, some things have to go.
ReplyDeleteWhen buying one- they are money well spent as they will retain their value. One thing I strongly consider when making purchases.
I have been trying to find a metal pony training cart. I am very interested but can it be shipped?
ReplyDeleteI don't no nuttin' about carts and harnesses but that pony one looks awful cute! Wouldn't my daughter's little Shetland be cute as a bug and now that I finally figured out not to give her the good grass hay she's all sound and sprightly. She's a Shetland, she just must know how to drive, right? (LOL!). NNNOOOOOO...must...not...buy...pony...
LEB - you better get it or I'll make a fool out of myself!!
Lead by Example- it can be shipped! I can check with a few haulers and get a price quote for you if you would like.
ReplyDeleteCarts are a piece of cake for them- no refusals loading, no health certs or coggins necessary, no kicking the walls, no worries about colic...
PF- they are both pony sized, just different sized ponies required... Driving is a blast, but it does take time to train horses and ponies for the job. Some pick it up naturally and others never are suitable. Some- one incident and they can never be hitched again. Ever.
Training a horse (no matter their size) to drive takes time. They need to trust their driver and stop on whoa (no matter what) and stand quietly for however long you wish them to. Even still- they are horses and have minds of their own.
CnJ -
ReplyDeleteWell, she'll stand quietly as long as her head can go down and there is a nice tuft of grass to munch on. Does that count? Just kidding!
Oh, the driving thing is just a fantasy right now. I freely recognize I don't have the time required to give it! But such a cute fantasy...Maybe in the future.
Right now I'm just working on lunging her for manners and shape and getting a better tack set up for my 6 year old daughter now that she is starting to progress beyond just being led around with a halter...I got her as a "give-away" and she came with the crappiest nylon, rusty bit bridle. It went in the garbage!
She's a pretty decent pony...for a Shetland! Other than being food obsessed, she is pretty mannerly and very sweet and gentle with my kids - the whole reason I got her!
PF- sounds like you found a good one there.
ReplyDeleteWhen I set out to find a horse after having my daughter and being horseless for too long, I wanted a pony either large enough for me to ride too or one that was broke to ride and drive. If she was not into horses- I could still enjoy that one.
What I wound up buying was a four year old pony that turned out not having been started for anything. Which was a good thing in a way, she hadn't been ruined. She was also pregnant, which nobody knew about and 3 months later had a palomino mule foal. This pony went on to do a number of trail rides, brought home a ton of ribbons at local shows, taught her she did not need spurs and to be fair to the horse you are on. She had 3 foals and did a photo shoot for a catalog and advertising which eventually wound up on the cover of Tack N' Togs for the month of November in 2007. This was Pi, the pony mare we laid to rest back in July. It's hard to believe it has been almost a year.
RIP, Nueve Pieces del Sol. 1991-2009
ReplyDeleteThat Meadowbrook cart is SO pretty!!
All wheeled conveyances around here seem to be Amish made, with varying degrees of expertise.
I work with a woman who has horses... she got her daughter a mini and a cart for Xmas, what the girl has always dreamed of. Of course, now she's in HS.... ;-) But they're learning, and having fun.