I like Swiss cheese, the flavor, the texture, the aroma when it's melted on things... Mmmmmm. But where do the holes come from in the cheese? Wouldn't it be more worthwhile for the manufacturers to make it solid? Would it cost us more if it was?
My weekend was similar to a block of Swiss cheese. Errands to run, appointments to keep, things to pick up, places to go, things to do, stuff to make... There were things I wanted to do, things I needed to do, places I had to go, a few things to work into the mixture and a few more piled on top of it all. Two days and I made quite the sandwich out of it.
I have a person interested in the Meadowbrook cart. She was coming from California to see it, but her plans were shot full of holes too and things got shifted to next weekend. Which worked out for me too, by freeing up a little time. Time that was shifted over to working on a couple of fly masks so I could run in to a new store in town and see if they would be interested in carrying them... (Note to Fern Valley, one of them I had planned on sending you. I haven't forgot.)
So we run to one appointment, back across town to the tack store, the co-owner wasn't in, but the one that was, Loved them! I left the masks and my number so she could take them home and show them over the weekend. I like their store and will be posting a link soon. Funny thing is, I can't remember exactly how I found it.
By then it was around noonish, we were hungry and headed into a Chinese buffet close by. It was rather new so we gave it a try. When we sat down with our food, Hubby says the place could be classified as "Fast, Cheap & Kreepy!" Sad thing is, he's right. It was.
Then it was off to get a few supplies for masks on order, a couple of them are shipping to California. Home to get the truck so we could go get hay... As we pull in to get the hay, my cell phone rings. The co-owner of the tack store dropped in, loves the masks, want to order more and will be putting them in the store as well as online. They will just keep the two I dropped off and add them to the total. So home again to drop off the truck and hay, get in the van and head out to pick up a couple more things- like stuff for dinner, before heading home again to feed and tend to more things... Yeah, because the day is almost over already! What happened?
While we did get a few things accomplished, there were a few more I wanted to do but couldn't quite seem to work them in. Like going to watch a workout for Aruba, the WB mare... She should be shaping up nicely and I haven't been to watch one workout yet or even to see her. I may have them put the first few rides on her if things keep going this way. The thought has crossed my mind and has been discussed.
Sunday wasn't much different. Running errands, getting a few things done, then home again to work on masks, play with the girls and somewhere in the middle, eat something... I had wanted to make another batch of pasta. The girls love it mixed with tomatoes, basil, garlic & oregano. I do too and I could have brought it for lunch.
There's another hole in the list of things I was able to do. Kind of like the cheese. The things you don't get to, are the holes. But somewhere in the cheese, you have to have holes. Otherwise how would you breathe?