Thursday, March 28, 2019

Respect the horse

These are words I don't see often around the barn. What's funny about this is that my horses are a bit spoiled, but also some of the most well behaved in the barn. Of course everyone loves my ponyman, I mean who doesn't and what's not to love about him?

But there is a girl at the barn that thinks her horse is all that, and she's really not. Her or her horse. Supposedly she rode dressage horses before. I can't imgine any of what she learned has stuck, since her horse has a lot of issues and bucking is one of them.


  1. mine are spoiled too, but they respect me and I them. Its about balance really. We can love on them and treat them well but they are still a great big creature that can kill us so mindfulness is key

  2. My horse is super spoiled but not on the aids, or in ground manners, he's just drowning in treats and attention lol
