If their health is in line, nutrition on track and hoof care in order- there isn't much left to improve the overall appearance of the hoof before a show anyways. Many of the performance disciplines- don't bother with, let alone require sanded hooves. Clean the hoof off, cover it with polish and go in the ring.
If you wish to sand, try using just a sanding sponge.

Many can be used wet or dry, but keep in mind, that when used on a wet hoof, the wall will soften to some degree and result in more being taken off much easier than when things are dry. This particular sponge is for sale through Schneiders for around $3.
But look closely at a few things if you will. Notice the picture on the packaging? Doesn't that look like it could be the horses' lower leg, bone structure, or is it just me? "For moderate to heavy sanding of wood, paint, metal, plastic & drywall." Did I miss the word HOOF in there somewhere? Medium and Coarse grits only? Where is the Medium and Fine?

After sanding some people go to the lengths of using steel wool for an even finer, smoother finish. WHY? I have yet to see a judge reach down, grab a hoof and examine the work. This does not even happen in showmanship, where everything is closely examined to the Nth degree. Are these people this neurotic when going through their own grooming habits before leaving the house? I doubt it. What do these people have to prove by going this far in sanding the hooves?
From the picture in the last post, it looks as if the horse is due for new shoes. The hooves have outgrown the set that are on. If your horse is due for a trim or shoeing, have it done before you begin to sand. It will save you from having to go back and do it all again to remove fresh rasp marks, as well as not having to sand what is going to be trimmed away.
Once the hoof has been sanded for one show, the next show even a month or two later, usually does not require much work, (if any) to go back and touch up the job from before. Just a light buffing to take off any new rasp marks from a recent trim or anything else that may have come up since then. If you wish to clean up the appearance of the hooves, use your head and do as little damage as possible to achieve the look you desire. Less is more.
In the next segment I will cover polishing and the few simple steps to get the most from your work.
Wow. Such a lot of work.... for something kind of weird. Then again, if you don't have to spend a hundred years braiding, I guess you have to spend a hundred years doing something else!!
ReplyDeleteCan you tell I had old-school hunter/jumper instructors for the most part?? ; )
That being said, the flexible sanding block looks useful if you're gonna do it.
CP- the sanding, like the braiding, can be done a few days before the show. Unless you have one of those horses that tries to climb the stalls or kicks the wall out of boredom. But then again, something needs to change for the sake of the horses sanity.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I like about the performance classes- paint their feet and in you go. If you even go to those extremes. Hunters, I can see it, jumpers- not so much.
Reining, working cow, cutting- the horse may be lucky to have a bridle path and whiskers trimmed in some barns...
"do as little damage as possible".
ReplyDelete(Throws hands up in the air in mock disgust.)
Sorry, not mock.
True disgust.
Those sanding blocks are real handy on acrylic. They have them in many grits. Grits, hello. A grit is a grit, no matter how small. It's still there. Still gets gritted into the ....
Takes the gloss right off, it does.
ayup, ayup.
I wonder if anyone's done any studies? Doubt it, the answer Is kind of a given. Too much, bad. The bleedin' IdeA is bad.
never mind.
My friends spend years on their horse's mane and tail.
and COAT. And HEALTH. Well-being, training riding.....
(stalks away muttering)
To The Periople, SQUARED.
(puffs smoke out of ears)
Ok , that makes some sense to me , just a tidy up process
ReplyDeleteHoof sanding isn't for me, but as long as that periople isn't damaged, and it's not overdone (like JR's wacky story), I don't really have a problem with it, though I might giggle and roll my eyes and diamond-shiny hooves.
ReplyDeleteIf it's not doing any harm, have at it.
About 8 yrs. ago I was helping a little girl who was borrowing a grade TWH mare for 4H. I finally convinced the mare's owner, a dedicated "cowgirl," that I could indeed trim up the mare without making her look dumb.
After half an hour with some scissors (damn mare would NOT let me near her with clippers, and daylight was burnin'), mare had a little bridle path, trimmed fetlocks, tidied up ears. Mare's owner was like... WOW! she looks... um... PRETTY!
Kind of like when you see pictures of stars w/o hair/makeup, and the men are all like "She's UGLY OMFG!"
If you're competing against super glam horses, then you've got to glam it up, too, if you want to be taken seriously.
But I'm not that kind of girl. ;)
Oh Thank God. I ran over to catch or revive GL.
ReplyDeleteAnger can be healthy.
Stomping is so much better than fainting.
CnJ Nooooooooooo! The people that do this will never get it right.
Because it is wrong.
Pleeeeaaaasssse don't encourage them.
With the crazy crowd more will always be their less.
GL- Sanding does damage the hoof to some degree. Depending of course on the lengths some go to in doing it. I will not disagree or argue with you there.
ReplyDeleteI have done it back in the day, but don't anymore if at all possible. Live and learn. If people choose to sand, let's educate instead of alienate. Provide information of the effects- long and short term, and also provide alternatives and options- less damaging things to do instead.
As I said, "use your head and do as little damage as possible." That's why I make it clear, when used wet, the hoof softens and more comes off, much easier and quicker than when sanding a dry hoof. No matter what grit is being used- coarse, fine or in between.
If the horse is healthy and the hooves are in good shape to begin with, merely touching up with a light sanding or rather buffing is all that is really needed- IF you so choose to go that route before applying polish.
Unfortunately not everything being done to horses is beneficial and not everyone will always agree.
Dena- glad you offered your services to GL. Stomping is way better than fainting. At least you can take our your frustrations. Fainting, you never know where you may land. ACK!
CP- It's amazing how trimming a little bit off here and there, increases the neatness and appearance of the overall look. But with clipping, there again less is more.
Like Dena said about the crazies, more will always their less. Maybe that's why some of the Arab folks trim the bridle path halfway down the neck??? On a breed somewhat pomo'd for their long flowing manes and tails...
I remember it was fashionable around here for a long time to do the half-shaved Arab crest, enough to show off the freeze brand.
ReplyDeleteIf you do a post on manes/tails, is there a good for-real supplement for hair growth? Poor Chip has a skimpy mane, and I'm wondering if one of his new Cougar Mare Harem gf's is chewing on it....
(cough, cough)
ReplyDeleteHey, a little buff, knock yerself out. But the proof is in the words.
First do no harm.
Good words to live by.
I think a HUGE part of it, is the ever ubiquitous beauty industry, which if I could picket it, I would.
Heck, we do it to ourselves, why not our horses?
Anybody know what killed the Egyptian high muckity mucks?
LEAD, in their make-up.
You know why your nails get all dry and cracked? nail-polish and buffing.
ayup, ayup.
Of course, I KNOW make-ups today are totalllly benign. That's why they tested them like crazy on animals, there, for a while.
The lowest lethal dose for this blush IS... You can eat THIS much lip-stick before you get sick!
Mascara still stings the crap out of my eyes. Mascara was invented by da devil, who was a guy, and didn't HAVE to wear it.
Stick that in your eye. Better yet, buy that "stiletto" mascara I've seen advertized. You could poke your own eye out with those babies. Stab a date.
I'm not alienating!
(looks around)
I'm all alone!
GL- in reading your comments on this post and the last one, it seems the hand sanding torques your shorts more than using the power tools. Why is that? The power tools create more heat and friction and it is far easier to go too far when using them. At least the hand sanding makes the sander put some effort into it and work for their results.
ReplyDeleteNot saying I favor either, but hey. Whatever floats peoples boats.
Not much polish or makeup to be found around here either. Most you get outta me is maaaaaaaybe mascara once in a blue moon. Foundation? Blech. Lipstick? Hack. Can't stand the smelll of either one.
Or sunscreen for that matter. Smells bad = not using it. At least for me. I packs long sleeves and a big brimmed hat. Long sleeves beats a sunburn any day!
"it seems the hand sanding torques your shorts more than using the power tools. "
ReplyDeleteUm, no.
Not at all. Dena kinda gets what I mean. Why show a newbie how to do something that "can" cause harm?
Why not concentrate on correctness of care of the rest of the darned horse?
Like tacky tack. Still have a problem with that idea.
Who CARES if the tack is tacky, to YOU??
If it fits, the horse is happy. If it's pink, who gives a flying fig?
There ARE LOTS of beginners out there merrily reading away.
Help them FOCUS on the important stuff about the horse. Not, oh, well, it isn't that bad. Fire up that sander then. You don't think grit has ANY adverse effects?
Sure, you can sand off a callous on your foot. Keep sanding the area, once you're done with the callous. It hurts.
Never mind, like I said. Y'all don't get the gist.
Nothing new with me.
If you really peel back the layers of a horse's hoof, microscopically speaking, you start to get a feel for the incredible biomechanical complexity that's gone into the hoof.
It's pure ego, on our part.
Purdy hooves.
I mean, even she who should not be named admitted that her farrier wasn't on board with it.
I haven't read any farriers heartily defending the practice. It's the idea that it's even important, that torques this old propeller.
You'd be amazed what you can do by hand.
Humour me.
Sand a piece of glass with a super fine grit.
By hand.
What happened?
The same glass with a power-tool??
Doesn't even bear thinking about.
How do you think high polishes used to be achieved?
By hand.
I have no issue with polishing/buffing, rarely, for show.
Never mind.
Ranted out.
I get it GL. Really I do.
ReplyDeleteLike I said in a few places, if the feed, overall health and hoofcare are in line as they should be, then there isn't much to do to the hoof to get that same smooth look. That's why I don't recommend the rough grits or wet sanding. Less is more.
If there are other issues where the hoof can be improved from the inside out? By all means THAT should take
precedence over even going to a show. Rated or even a schooling show, stay home until it is resolved. Big Brown is a prime example of the racing industry using everything available to patch the hoof up so the horse can run.
Why? Money and greed as usual. Patch them up to run now, rather than let the hoof heal and grow out improved so the horse can run a few more days. But if you want to back up even further, average thoroughbred hooves speak for themselves... Thankfully some breeders and breeds, breed for nice hooves. Kudos to those who do.
GL- I was thinking about your last post and had a few thoughts I will share tomorrow when I can get on a normal computer and can reread what I have and edit it for length and repitition.
Oh, I already know this will be deleted, however as always I must correct those who cannot tell the difference between fact and their own fictional version of such.
ReplyDeleteGoLightly wrote:
I mean, even she who should not be named admitted that her farrier wasn't on board with it.
As we know that I am the individual Barb mentioned above, it should not be a surprise that I would respond, deleted or not. At least those who are subscribing to these comments will have an opportunity to actually read this before it goes poof in the wind.
Her comment was entirely incorrect, though we know accuracy has never been her strong point.
My comment, from a many years old article pulled out and dusted off because of the good information it contains is this:
"A note of caution, your farrier probably won’t be too thrilled with the idea, but if you’ve been showing for any length of time and especially if said shoer is familiar with show ring practices, he’ll more than likely turn a blind eye."
Nothing in the above about my own farrier whatsoever.
I also wholeheartedly agree with Linda that nutrition and other factors play a massive role in how easy a horse's hoof is to prepare for the show ring. Between a fabulous, well balanced diet; outstanding veterinary care and a farrier who does a tremendous job, 99.9% of our horses take a very minimal amount of preparation. Add in alternately using Hooflex and Rain Maker, voila ~ lovely hooves made smooth by only the slightest of buffing.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is this..............
If my farrier turns a blind eye and is no longer giving me his honest opinion about my horses feet, then he will no longer be my farrier.
As far as your comment being deleted, you are just not worth the effort!
And now if you will excuse me, I have just finished giving lessons, riding horses. So now I have to cahnge the oil in my truck, clean all of my tack, finish the addition on the house and have dinner ready all before 6:00pm.
ReplyDeleteSo I am a little strapped for time and I must go!
JR, snork! Thats all you have to do? easy peasy!lol
ReplyDeleteOh Gawd. Here too? What part of don't care what a still suspended *cough*choke* equestrian, I refuse to use the word professional in reference to this, hoof destroying for a backwoods, middle of the desert, saddle club showing, has to say about anything doesn't she get?
ReplyDeleteHer farrier? Is there one left that will even do business with her?
Poor horses...*sigh*
Wait a minute..poor us.
Oh, why not, this is ridiculousamundo, plus copy/paste is your friend..
ReplyDelete"A note of caution, your farrier probably won’t be too thrilled with the idea, but if you’ve been showing for any length of time and especially if said shoer is familiar with show ring practices, he’ll more than likely turn a blind eye."
Nothing in the above about my own farrier whatsoever."
You don't own a farrier? So, your own farrier is cheer-leading in the pro-sanding camp?
What on earth do you DO with your horse's feet, then? Are you spending
to keep your horse's feet from slippering?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Blind eye.
Now that's saying something. Pretty sure Andalusians of Grandeur could tell ya it's a bad dea.
and she IS blind.
Grotesquely inaccurate out.
Still waiting on a farrier with strong hearty defences.
A real farrier...
I'll listen.
I need to go look at a cria.
Cheer myself up.
Oh, this
"slightest of buffing." That's not QuitE exactly what the rest of the post said, but hey, I don't need to read that crap agaIn. I already gasped.
Done enough gasping this week.
ReplyDeleteYou funny GL.
Is it possible that someone could respond like the professional that they claim to be?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering that very same thing when I saw JR's response to me, CCC. However I would not expect such a thing from him any time soon.
ReplyDeleteMy own response was to correct inaccuracies posted by another commenter. Factual yet reasonably concise. Not argumentative, not obnoxious (see Dena and roses making cheap shots at me on JR's resurrected blog), nothing aside from a correction to an obnoxious statement directed at me. And entirely professional. Unlike others who claim to be "professionals" and cannot contain themselves when taking a swipe at me.
Why would I mention the possibility that my comment would be deleted? Likely because my previous comment was indeed deleted here.
See anything worthy of being deleted, aside from the fact that it came from the devil incarnate (me)?
">>> "Hunters in the main ring seem to have become the dumping grounds for the horses that can't make it in the Country English Pleasure classes. CEP classes were started for those horses who had the breeding and higher set neck (headset) for English Pleasure, but not the movement. When CEP started- excessive movement was to be penalized.
What we see happening is a horse can't make it in one class, so they try another. Park shifts over to EP, EP shifts over to CEP, CEP shifts over to hunter, and then they shift over to SH. Dammit, the horse has to win somewhere!
SH has also long been pushed to the outskirts of the facility and somewhat ignored or passed off, although they will bring in judges such as Hilda Gurney for the shows... WTH?" <<<
Spot on. Absolutely correct. Who knew CnJ and I would agree on something again after all these months?
The above quoted I have been saying for YEARS. Something's gotta give.
Last year there was an AHA resolution passed to revamp the Hunter Pleasure (MR) ring. Things have seemed to be better thus far this year, and Most of the PB Hunters at Tulsa last week were far better.
Next hopefully CEP will be tackled, though it will be a tough sell for many who unfortunately are delegates. Then maybe it will be Western Pleasure's turn...
Well said.
And best of luck at Fall Fest Kelli!! If we're not at Saguaro and you go again, tell Carrol Lee we said "Hi"! She's going to be announcing again. :)"
Funny, I didn't either. Professional, kind, complimentary and congratulatory. Why again did that comment get deleted?
Talk about ducking the issue.
ReplyDeleteOh, RIGHT, there IS no issue.
Copy/pasting other issues?
Oh, okay then.
Can anyone spell redirect?
Very good.
Sorry JR, I gotta,
ReplyDeleteSTFS , please take a flying F*#K! You are just here to agitate , you clearly have no respect for JR or CNJ, far less the rest of the posters. There is no need to come back guns blazing as the poor wronged soul who is out to avenge herself
I respect your right to respond with the facts, the shots that were made, well not so much.
ReplyDeleteCCC, thank you. I was not very fond of the shots taken at me by GoLightly and JR (as well as CNJ elsewhere on this blog). Why is there a double standard? Should not all people who profess to be professionals act like the professionals they profess to be? Now even after being asked (time and again originally) and having pleas from commenters like Buckdoff and Cattypex (who are terrific ladies of the highest caliber) to PLEASE "play nice" in the wake of Dena and roses' outburst on the prior blog entry there, GL is back once again, making a spectacle of JR's training blog and stating falsehoods. When is enough truly enough?
ReplyDeleteFernvalley, you would be partially correct. I have little respect for those who make snide comments about me and who take cheap shots at me. Is that acceptable to you? Actually, I first came to this blog to read, because I believe CNJ has covered some good material. My first comment here was to reflect that fact, as well as to offer heartfelt congratulations and well wishes of much success to Kelli Metcalf. Tell me, what was wrong about that?
ReplyDeletelet explain something to you. There was no shot taken directly at you. I merely making a comment to your comment on this thread. As far as the other thing I said that was in no way shape or form. But if you would like me to direct it at youi will put your name onmy comment.
That fair?
"You are just not worth the effort" was not a cheap shot? We come from different worlds, apparently.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about farriers not giving honest opinions, and I've fired more than my share for reasons such as that as well as just plain not knowing what in the world they were doing.
Unfortunately in this area, a majority of the farriers are clueless. That would be why the one I use most frequently comes from about 50 miles out of the area.
SFTS, I deal in a world where professionalism is of the utmost importance.
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't matter what other professionls are doing, it only matters what you are doing. You are and always have reacted in a way that makes you appear childish.
In a different scenario, you need to remember, I am a possible client. I am the manager of a mega multi-million dollar medical practice, I know what it takes to bring in new patients.
Anyone who reads you anywhere but on your own personal blog would be totally turned off by you.
Yes, you can show pics of you and your clients, but hell, for all we know, those pics are fake. I have seen no proof that any of what you claim are really of you.
"GL is back once again, making a spectacle of JR's training blog and stating falsehoods."
ReplyDeleteYeah, I do that a LOT. Full of incorrect facts, I am. Downright falseHoods.
Sorry, JR.
I be quiet.
"spectacle" out.
When I first read that drivel, quoted AgAin, as If I didn't remember it, I asked several wiser women how they felt about it. They thought I was kidding. They'd never heard of it. But, yes, they ride performance horses. You know, riding??
I guess it's a "all about the look" crowd thing-a-ma-ding.
Cosmo as opposed to Mother Earth News.
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest?
Depends on what you mean by Fair, I guess.
To The Horse.
CCC, as I have said to you before, while I appreciate your advice, your bias makes it difficult at best to read you in any way other than "SFTS, I don't like you, never will, no matter what you say". Which does not bode well for communication.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, if should not matter what other professionals are doing, but this begs the question, why bash on me for my "unprofessional behavior" as opposed to the others who have acted in an unprofessional manner. I do not see favoritism as a very professional behavior ~ and as my own mother has been a professional medical center administrator for nearly 40 years now, I am all too aware of how medical professionals should (and do) conduct themselves as well. I call your behavior toward me a double standard.
In truth, very few people on the internet who live hundreds and thousands of miles away are what I would consider potential clients. I would also expect that anyone wishing to become involved with a professional as a client would do more research than reading internet blogs, and actually make some effort to become personally acquainted with the individual they are interested in hiring.
Your comments in regard to pictures on my website could be said about anyone. As could other snide comments about plagiarization and so forth. Tragically, people lie constantly. It is a sad fact of human nature that humans tend to be inherently dishonest and mean.
This is why I invite anyone (and I do mean anyone) who is interested in my services to take the time to call, communicate via telephone and email, schedule an in person visit, spend some time with myself and my clients at shows and so forth. Honest people who are not judgmental do so. Their numbers (even off these blogs and various forums) might surprise you.
ReplyDeleteI do find it truly amazing that you would not consider clients that live long distances from you. I have always considered anyone with whom I make contact a possible client.
I have had clients from as far away as Virginia. The just liked how I trained horses. I would love to have CCC, GL,Dena or FV send me a horse to train. I feel that I have a lot to offer that they could benefit from and they have a lot to offer me as well. Word of mouth is very important.
As far as Amy personal shots, there are no victims here. If you feel people are making fun of you, then grow a sense of humor!
JR, I have had clients from many states (as well as Canada) indeed many miles away over many years.
ReplyDeleteThat said, they were almost always exclusively word of mouth from satisfied customers, or those who know me, know my horses, know my methods and highly recommend me.
Personally, I prefer owners that are close by so they can be involved on a regular basis with their horses, take lessons, ride regularly and enjoy their horses as well as the process of teaching (and learning). I thought I read that you advocated the same? Maybe I was mistaken.
For the record, I have an abundant sense of humor. Why in the world do you think I would still read these blogs if I did not? ;)
ReplyDeleteI do advocate participation. Actually Ioke to do clinics and would hope that when their horse returns home they would happy and ask me to do a clinic. Hense the participation aspect. Do not second guess what I say.
Could we get back to topic now, or should this become all about one poster, as usual?
ReplyDeleteThere are thousands and thousands of horses, with feet. Four/horse, if I'm not quoting falsehoods again. Please check the veracity of my statements before proceeding.
Oh, right, sorry, not important.
carry On.
You were saying? So ManY satisified customers?
A happy farrier? So relieved to hear there IS a farrier.
Does he have a blind eye, too?
JR, if I ever decide to be crazy enough to throw a leg over again, I hope you and CNJ are there, with a shot of vodka (for me), and all my dear groupies, everyone laughing their asses off. I'll even bring the Book Bomb.
Never have ridden a cuttin' harse. Polo Ponies, yes.
Working Cow Horse, no.
That would be cool.
Painful, but cool.
I rode in western tack maybe a dozen times.
I wouldn't dream of saying I "know" how to ride western.
Riding is riding, whatever the discipline, though. Balance and self-carriage are the ultimate goal.
I do "know" something about horse's feet.
As the genius kestrel once said "A hoof is a reflection of the horse's care for the last year".
I go for Mother Earth.
hippy dippy ditzy bitch out.
I will second guess what you say, JR, when you advocate one thing one day and something entirely different on another day. There is no need to get testy with me, all I did was point something out based on your own words.
ReplyDeleteBut, I am glad you do advocate owners participating with their horses. Which is why I prefer not to have long distance clients and why I am far less concerned about someone three thousand miles away becoming a potential client.
AAAnd this would be why showing has gotten such a bad reputation. It has gone from showing off a beautiful athletic horse to...hoof sanding, shoes weights chains gingeringsurgerytatooing Seems like a poor show horse's life pretty much sucks.
ReplyDeletePull your head out of your ass SFTS. I never changed what I said or my views.
ReplyDeleteBarb, why is it you insist on attacking me no matter where I may be? Is there something I did to you in another life perhaps?
ReplyDeleteI understand you have a problem with being accurate concerning what I wrote. That is why I thought it would be helpful to offer a factual correction.
Next time perhaps you can read closer before closing your mind and forming opinions based on a faulty reading of the material presented.
My articles are all still up:
Laying The Foundation Blog
Oh, my.
ReplyDeleteNow that IS really funny.
I'll see your blather and raise ya More Blather
The Forest is blind to the trees.
Odd, indeed.
"Pull your head out of your ass"
ReplyDeleteThat would be yet another professional offering from you, JR, that was not a cheap shot?
Now to get back on topic, which I will leave in peace if the attacks from the "professionals" ever stop...
Kestrel, many show horses do lead a wonderful, happy lives and love their jobs. My horses, those of my clients, those owned by friends and in training with colleagues are all healthy, happy and truly love what they do.
Sure there are folks who take things too far. Without a doubt. However many, like myself do not use Ginger, plastic surgery/tattooing or other harmful practices.
You can find harm in every facet of the horse world, from Dressage to Hunters/Jumpers to Cutting horses to AQHA to APHA to Arabians to the Eventing world and everywhere else. I would venture to guess there is also more abuse going on in the trail riding world that anyone cares to admit. It is epidemic.
We must simply do the best that we can ~ For The Horses. They are in our care and they depend on us.
Barb, have you noticed the name of this blog? Have you noticed who writes it? Have you noticed that the blog writer herself has made statements in regard to sanding hooves of horses, even when you have argued with her?
ReplyDeleteYou do not agree with the practice. We all get that. Arguing with people who disagree with you (to differing degrees, of course) will not make people change their minds.
If you can point to a horse I have personally harmed or damaged by sanding it's hooves to the degree that we do, please do so, with facts, dates and firsthand information. Otherwise, while you are free to voice your opinion, understand that oftentimes you are shouting into the wind.
If you want me to be professional then I will just give you my professional opinion SFTS.......
ReplyDeleteSFTS in my professional opinion, your head is so far up your ass you have to swallow your food twice!
ReplyDeleteI did not know my professional opinion mattered to you!
Stacey, dearest.
ReplyDeleteyes, indeed. Difference is, CNJ understands the points I'm making, and knows they are irrefutable.
Please stick to topic.
Better yet, bring on your farrier, if he can see to type.
Cosmo/Mother Earth.
You do NOT see the connection?
Dust in the wind.
Just because it's done, doesn't make it right.
"GL- Sanding does damage the hoof to some degree. Depending of course on the lengths some go to in doing it. I will not disagree or argue with you there."
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a truth speaker.
Did ya miss that part, Dearest?
Did ya miss the other parts?
It isn't about YOU personally, ya bloomin' twit.
I just hope I'm not too late in dissuading at least of few from doing it.
For the Horses.
Brush their DAMN COATS!!!
(collapses into the dusty wind)
HEY STOP! CUT! NOT A WRAP! The non-reality drama of the delusional suspended trainer series was not picked up for a second season.
And I am not engaging in a rerun.
This shit would never be picked up by a syndicate.
Great job STFS. You have managed to piss up CnJs house.
You know the place you were never invited.
Are you forgetting that you called the woman a very bad word on her own husbands blog?
Where you were yet again trying to impress upon people who could give a fuck less how great you are?
Just go away.
Clueless and and completely lacking in tact or class.
JR I would love to send you a horse if I can find a way to swing it.
If, I fail, you will be getting 13.lol
HEY CCC!!! Wants the Kevlar back?
GL think Alabama moon shining towards Cali.
Fern you made me snork.:)
Okay I am going to try another route.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice that CnJ had created a place of dare I say, "education not alienation?"
I am unaware of any negative interaction here in the house CnJ built.
Until recently.
The thing is, and I do not presume to speak for anyone but myself in this.
One poster has managed to alienate many in my opinion.
So what is my or anyone elses motivation for welcoming a repeat episode?
I do not want to fight with this person.
I have no real desire to trade insults.
I enjoyed sharing and learning here.
Until recently.
Just saying.
I just want to add a couple of comments here.
ReplyDeleteNumber one, SFTS, I was not referring to myself as being a potential client per se. I have friends and they live all over the country. That comes from being an Army Brat. I do have a friend who lives a reasonable distance from you, she has several lovely horses. A big part of being successful in the horse world is word of mouth, it is also a big part of being unsuccessful. When you are in business, that is the golden rule. I feel that you have deported yourself in an unprofessional manner on many occasions, and all of these on horse related blogs/forums. Not good business, because it is people like me who can pick up the phone, make a few calls and boom, there goes potential clients.
As far as your double standard, there is a difference between how you have acted and how the other "trainers" have acted. While they might have made comments to you, they have only been to you. You have made many inappropriate, unprofessional comments to just about everyone. In other words, you have lost your composure with so many people, I have lost count. Pretty unprofessional.
As far as how you view me, well, what can I say? You say, I don't like you and am therefore totally biased. If you would care to remember, I did try, a number of times. You have repeatedly shown yourself unable to view another person's perspective of how you present yourself, as a matter of fact, many people's view, and realize that just maybe, there is some validity to what has been presented to you. Inflexibility is a character flaw.
I will tell you, whether you believe it or not, I am a person who tries very hard to like and get along with everyone (except my husband's ex-wife). I am a person who can accept people for who they are and I can like them for that very same reason. There are many people who I have disliked at the beginning but came to like later, but then again, they have given me reason. You have not.
I was not going to come back to post here, and I will ignore the petty, childish bullshit others have thrown my way in favor of responding only to CCC, because at least she has the decency to address me as a human being, not insult me and give both a fair accounting of her point of view as well as an honest opinion without being trashy and an asshole. Pardon my language.
ReplyDeleteCat, has it ever occurred to you that those times I "lost my composure" and those "inappropriate comments" I have made were only made in exasperation after enduring what seemed like a lifetime of insults and other nonsense hurled my way? That they were a reaction to others? If you look back on my posting history you will see the truth in that.
I do believe that your account of how many people ("just about everyone") I have made "inappropriate, unprofessional comments to" is a gross exaggeration. Have there been some? No doubt. Those encompass a very small circle of internet comrades and I tend to think of them as more of parts of a whole as opposed to individuals. I am likely to be called wrong in that as well. So be it, it is my opinion and I am entitled to it.
And you are right, there is a difference between how I have acted and how these others have acted: I have been far more professional on whole.
I have said before and I will say it until the end of time: If someone makes a judgment based on some internet postings (pro or con), that is likely not someone I wish to have as a client. Generally, I have a waiting list. That comes from being picky about who I accept and from limiting the number of horses I want to take in for training, giving me a lot of leeway.
Folks are always welcome here, and to talk to me privately if they wish to get to know me, as opposed to the internet persona of me a few have tried to tag me with. Many have taken me up on that.
It might surprise you to learn that for every one person who has reacted negatively to me from these forums and blogs, there have been a good ten (or more) that have reacted positively, offered support, become friends and yes, have become clients. I am not speaking of readers from my blog ~ because I have yet to gain a great many clients from posting the blog. I blog because I enjoy helping people learn and talking with fellow horse lovers.
That sums me up. Not what a few others have tried to make me out to be.
Wha....? Huh????
ReplyDeleteDang touchytouchytouchy.......
Taboo indeed.
ReplyDeleteDo NOT respond to provocative posts. Whether or not you like the poster, respond ONLY about the blog subject. Ignore personal jabs and/or scatter-shot insults. Do not defend yourself or your friends against them.
Otherwise, it just turns into a troll-fest, like this one.
Ruthie, not perfect myself
SFTS, yes I realize that, and what I really wanted for you to do and even asked you to do was to just let it go. Sometimes, in my experience, that is the best way. It is called take the high road. You just kept at it, and really, you were never going to win. I wanted you to win, really I did.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for your response. I wish you the best of luck in all that you do and I continue to hope that I am wrong.
I must go out and take care of my equines and camelids.
For a cuteness break go to http://charlescitycat.blogspot.com
I was thinking to post a new topic, but I will let this one run it's course and burn itself out first.
ReplyDeleteGL- I haven't forgotten to address your comments but I will, don't worry.
CCC- your original comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Responding to IT, just perpetuates the discussion and the playing of the 'victim' card. Dropping it as you stated, may relieve the rest of us from hearing the tales of woe is me. Besides, the person you are addressing was never invited here to begin with.
JR, If you were closer you would absolutely get one of my horses to work. Bet you know which one too!
ReplyDeleteCNJ.I am enjoying theis blog , as I am prepareng to dip my toe back into the show ring next year ,I have said I will take all the help I cn get. And like all education I hope to take away from here things that I will use , and there will be things that I won't .
The premise is great ,and as soon as the "pissing contest" ends I will lok forward to the next topic. How about extolling the virtues of Shaving cream(Sorry its all I got)
STFU- the thing you do not seem to realize is that your are a legend in your own mind.
ReplyDeleteI would expand and give you examples but well, I have to go answer hundreds of emails and pms from the many people that love me and agree with me.
Damn, you just make this way too easy.
One other thing, sfts, calling my husband an asshole, for giving you his opinion about you, just proves again your lack of integrity. Afterall, you asked for it.
ReplyDeleteOh, no need CNJ. You know my 6:41 comment wasn't directed at you, anyway. Right?
ReplyDeleteI was just pointing out the written word again. People seem to skip over words with me.
Maybe they're still looking up irrefutable.
I be quiet, now. Promise.
Huge day today , got up late , then sat on my ass at the computer for a while . Rested , then moved to a more comfortable chair and continued to do nothing . Thought about doing something with a horse or two , but sat down till the feeling passed. planning to continue doing nothing well into the evening , then I shall have a relaxing bath maul the hubby and go to sleep early! Yup thats why I am too busy to blog!
ReplyDeleteWell I turn my back for a moment and everyone turns up here.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! What a lot of manure spreading.
GL, Blather on please.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you sand hooves? First of all, most horses that a cared for and fed consistently have pretty even hooves.
Now if you have such ridges and ripples in your horse's feet that it is that unsightly, I don't think sanding is your answer. I think a more balanced consistent feeding program should be your first step.
Nope, I have never had a judge check the smoothness of my horses feetsies. EVER...and I'm old and have shown for a long time. Hell, I showed when Clyde Kennedy was judging (really liked him).
So, a good scrub and some hoof polish should really do the trick on any horse for any sane judge.
Any of you all ever had a judge pick up your horses foot, and go "HMMMMM, not smooth enough. That'll cost you some points." ????
IT IS OLD HOME WEEK!!! WAVES MADLY AT EVERYONE I haz not seen for awhiles.
ReplyDeleteOk so let me ask this??? Would you sand those cracks and pieces we all see? You know after you take the pinchers to the tags? What about taking the hoof wedgy thing we talked about earlier?
ReplyDeleteOK..I go away for 3 1/2 days and all hell breaks loose. sigh...I've got to get a Smart phone so I can stay in the loop
1fuglyhuman, I'm confused. I don't know what cracks and pieces you mean.
ReplyDelete"maul the hubby"
HP: my horses go barefoot and they'll get like "tags" or pieces of the hoof "flake up"..UGH..having a major brain fart but is this making sense? I have pinchers and will take them off, some times I'll rasp to make them smooth but usually not.
ReplyDeleteMost of my horses are barefoot too. The only one with shoes on at the moment is the goofy WB. Mine don't tend to get 'tabs'. My farrier rounds the edge of the hoof, or I do if I have to trim (hate trimming, but have killer good nippers. lol). I think in the books they're calling it a mustang roll...it is just what my farriers have always done for my barefoot horses. If a farrier leaves a clean crisp edge...mine tend to chip.
ReplyDeleteOH, and I live in a really humid climate (read cold, damp, rainy, foggy). I don't know if that makes a difference.
ReplyDeleteHP- I have heard it called beveling the edges and also the mustang roll. I have yet to see a mustang bevel the edges of their own hoof though. They wear down or break off, but never heard of them rolling the edges... lol
ReplyDeleteA good beveled edge does wonders to prevent chips and cracks- regardless of what we choose to call it.
I thought it was kind of funny that they called it a mustang roll now too. I always just called it rounding the edges. lol So, at first I kept calling it a Cheyenne roll. You know, like on the back of a western saddle's cantle. My farrier would crack up.